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by Luke Hayes on 29th March 2022

Are you aspiring to work in any manufacturing, construction or processing industry? Do you have a CCNSG Safety Passport? If your answer is yes to the first query and no to the latter, you can stand out from other applicants with a CCNSG safety passport.

You may be wondering what a CCNSG Safety Passport is. Well, initially it stands for Client Contractor National Safety Group and is a credit card-sized ID that acts as proof that you have completed and passed the necessary training. This will last you a total of three years, 3 months before it expires you’ll have to take a one-day refresher course. If this lapses you’ll have to retake the original 2-day course.

What will you gain from the CCNSG Safety Passport Training?

The system will ensure that all personnel and individuals who work in manufacturing or processing industries have at least a basic knowledge of health and safety, prior to commencing work on a given site. This has been adopted with the objective of achieving approved safety performance so that individuals who work onsite will work in a cautious and safe manner which will lower the risk to themselves and others.

After you have successfully done the CCNSG Safety Passport Training, you will have the necessary knowledge in order to:

  • Health and Safety law and permits to work
  • Outline safe working practices relating to scaffolding
  • Outline safe working practices for access and exiting
  • Accident and first aid procedures
  • Fire precautions and procedures
  • Define COSHH and Personal Protective Equipment
  • Manual Handling
  • Outline noise procedures and practices
  • Define the regulations for work with cranes and heavy equipment
  • Outline the excavation procedures and practices

Do you need to do the training?

All personnel on a construction site should undertake the training and have these CCNSG passports; otherwise, you may be refused entry on a site due to the site safety policies that are in place. It’s important that all personnel on-site have this basic training if you’ll be working in a high-risk industry. Individuals who work in manufacturing or construction are more likely to suffer from deadly or major injuries; thus to reduce this, everyone should take personal responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others.

If you think that you may need a CCNSG Safety Passport, you should act now and book your CCNSG Safety Passport Training with F.I.T.


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